I hope you are all keeping well amidst these uncertain times. Due to bad weather and the Coronavirus/Covid-19 restrictions, I've only set up at one Skibbereen Farmers' Market so far this year. So, as well as missing visits to family and friends, I'm also missing seeing my fellow stallholders and regular visitors to my stall, both human and canine!
But my online shop is still open, if you need to order anything. My designs are printed and made in Ireland, with health advice adhered to at all times. I work from home and fold, label and package every item myself. Delivery might take a little longer than usual as we only travel into town once a week at the moment.
I'm very grateful to live in a rural area where we can walk the dogs on quiet roads and spend time in the garden, soaking up some much-needed sunlight. I don't know about you, but I seem to be seeing a lot more pollinators around this year. The photo shows a hoverfly on some pear blossom in the garden. I wish there was some way of sharing the glorious scent of the blossom with you; a lovely contrast to the not-so-glorious smell of slurry from neighbouring fields a few weeks ago.
And the birdsong seems amplified. At least it is when a Great Tit is singing outside the bedroom window at 6 am! International Dawn Chorus Day is on May 3rd, so make a date and join me and many others across the world listening to birdsong as daylight appears. You don't have to know what each call is to appreciate the experience (If you do wish to know more get in touch with your local branch of BirdWatch Ireland or RSPB (in the UK)). It's so magical, one of the wonders of the natural world and one I never tire of. Something to soothe your soul for the times we live in.
Remember - Nature is not a place to visit, it is home.